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Our Mission

The Caltech International Spouses Club (CISC) supports international spouses and their partners of Caltech and JPL by fostering friendships, sharing resources, and by providing social, cultural, and educational activities. At CISC we create meaningful experiences with fellow Caltech spouses.

Community for our members

Run by volunteers and supported by Caltech International Offices, the Caltech Women's Club (CWC) and the Ingrid Gumpel Fund, CISC helps members navigate life in a new country and build a strong community. 


Membership is free. However, the majority of services are provided by members who volunteer their time to serve on the CISC Committee and as activity coordinators aka. “Group Leaders”. Thus, our services are based on the availability of members' willing to volunteer and members' needs and interests. 


Ingrid Gumpel Fund
Caltech Women's Club
Other Supporters

Caltech International Spouses Club benefits from a generous gift that was given to the International Offices by Dr. Lajos Piko in memory of Ingrid Gumpel (1926–2011). Ingrid was the person who took care of international students at Caltech for many years.  


The purpose of the fund is to promote social, cultural, and general educational opportunities for international students and scholars during their stay at Caltech and JPL. Programs involving the spouses of international students and scholars are especially encouraged and supported.​​​




CISC members are also often members of the Caltech Women’s Club (CWC).  We suggest you consider joining them (after joining us! :) ) to further broaden your network of friends, support and experiences. Below are their messages:


The Caltech Women's Club has a diverse membership of about 300 women (and a few men), with many international members and a broad range of ages from graduate students to members who have been in the club for more than 20 years. Our interests are varied, as can be seen from our Activities and Interest Groups and the Special Services we provide to the Caltech/JPL community.


Our year begins in early October with the Fall Gathering that includes a luncheon at the Athenaeum.  In December we have a Holiday Luncheon. Our final event of the year is the Spring Scattering, an informal evening reception held in the President’s garden.


We host a variety of one-time events throughout the year involving guest speakers, musical programs, and talks on a variety of topics. Events are announced in the Bulletin and on the web site and usually require an advance reservation by mail. For a calendar of upcoming events, check the calendar page.


For more information, visit:




We would like to thank all our supporters who continuously help and give advice to the club . We would like to especially thank the International Offices at Caltech and JPL.

We are also grateful for our collaboration with Caltech Postdoctoral Association, as it allows us to organize events together and enhances their magnificence with their valuable financial support.

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