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Our Mission & Community for Members

Caltech International Spouses Club (CISC) is a social club and support network for international spouses and partners of Caltech and JPL.  Our aim is to support members, to give to one another, to nurture friendships and share information to overcome the difficulties of living in a foreign country. We provide social, cultural and general educational opportunities.

Membership is free and the running of CISC is supported by Caltech International Offices and the Ingrid Gumpel Fund. However, the majority of services are provided by members who volunteer their time to serve on the CISC Committee and as activity coordinators “Group Leaders”. Thus, our services are based on the availability of members willing to volunteer and members' needs and interests. 


Want to find out more? Please see our welcome message and activities.


Join us, become a member! Then find us on Facebook to be updated with the last news.

If you have some time to volunteer with us, please see our volunteer page. 



© 2022 by Caltech International Spouses Club

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